I've found a single article with 3 experts' participation... Here I share my mashup :
"Carbohydrates provide us with energy that our body needs; they also maintain stable blood sugar levels. A lot of carbohydrate foods are also high in fibre and other nutrients as well.’’Sports dietitian, Katherine Shone.
Notice that good carb options she lists include fruits.
"We should avoid severely restricting ... and focus on the quality of the nutrient." said David Ludwig of the Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital ;
because a diet of healthy carbohydrates, rather than low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets, offered a better chance of keeping weight off without nasty side effects, found one of the latest studies by Ludwig.
Dr Mehmet Oz, a popular TV personality and doctor, writes: ‘‘Avoid the lure of low-fat foods, which contain a sizable amount of calories [and] avoid the lure of low-carb foods, which sometimes have more calories from from sugar. [Instead] try to have 40 per cent of your total caloric intake come from complex carbohydrates ... Choose ... legumes, fruits and vegetables.’’
"Bottom line: carbohydrates do not make you fat. The amount you eat does." Says Kathleen Alleaume, nutritionist andauthor of What’s Eating You?
But only the amount ? the quality too I'd add.
Source http://tinyurl.com/968ldry