Thanks to one of my facebook friend, nammed kenneth here I come with a new post.
Love my connection with all of you.
Fat is our reserve source of energy, where your body find calories for it to function when there's a lack of carbohydrates. It's sufficient for fat not to be always harmful.
Under our skins, the layer of fat and muscle are seperate tissues
If your layer of fat is higher than it should, whatever your fitness exercise and length are, you will just end up having strong muscles hiding under.
So, to flaunt your muscles, work for a fat loss and strengthen the abs muscles.
About 20 minutes of fitness are required to start using this reserve -burning fat- for an average person on an average diet. -It's happening when you feel the heat feeling within your stomach area.
Note :
1. You cannot target fat loss. No fitness exercise or machine can burn fat just around your abdominals, or your tigh, or wherever on your body's muscles.
Fat is distributed across the body more on some parts and less on others but it is burned removing the same percentage from all the parts.
2. In general, woman's healthy fat percentages is higher than guys's.
3 Its not good to completely negate carbohydrate from your diet because your body still needs to functionusing carbs. functioning without any carbsource will cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, mood swings, high uric acid etc