and those who can't change ... can't change anything" -George BERNARD SHAW
This apply for your fitness and healthy diet goal !
Whatever your final goal are :
Weight loss, toned body or muscles building...
Keep in your mind that other people is doing it and
"They can because they think they can." -virgil.
Keep up the good work with your fitness routine
and/or healthy diet if you've started, and start if you waiting
for whatever you don't have to wait for... I'm sure :)

Because you will thank yourself for a lifetime
of being on your ideal weight and body fat %;
It might take long time to reach your goals
but as soon as you get there, you will notice it was worth
putting yourself in with fitness and healthy diet.
if you expect it to be difficult, it will be. ifyou expect it to be easy, it will be. it's alldown to perception and belief. The universe will always conspire to give us what we believe, it's the law of attraction.