"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them," said Albert Einstein.
It's why all of us agree that tips to make the change are always welcome. Below are some I found and want to share with all of you ;
"We treat our cars better than our bodies."
"We’re eating highly processed, high sugar, unhealthy fats, way too much andeating nutrient void yet highly caloric“sub-foods.”
Our bodies don’t even know what these substances are and doesn’t know how tohandle them."
Why not to "Eat whole, real, nutrient dense foods, move your body regularly in a way that you enjoy, get adequate, restorative sleep regularly, lighten up your stress load, connect more with others and get the support you need to get your job done" instead I wonder?
To get there, ask yourself "if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, if you wouldn’t find the ingredients in a cookbook, if your grandmother never cooked with it or if it can last indefinitelyon a shelf somewhere … do you really want that inside you?"
A practical example is "Putting a little bit of fruit in your water.
Take a watermelon, cut it into chunks and freeze it. Put it in your water and as you’re drinking, take a bite every now and again."
Erika Nicole Kendall who topped off at a size 28 before starting to pay attention to her health.
Now she has more than 7,000 followers on Twitter , about 102,000 Facebook likes and has been featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, NPR and Black Enterprise.
as seen within her article: "Working out without losing your curves."
All the other quotes from an article by a recognized health,weight loss, fitness, wellness, lifestyle and self improvement expert.
Registered Dietitian with a master’s degree in nutrition, Debi Silber is also a certified personal trainer and a Whole Health Coach.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Get in fitness, get in better health but get rid of your excess weight and more.
Do Exercise to "build lean muscle, which will increase your metabolism and help positively change the shape of your body" because as seen above "the benefits of exercise extend far beyond weight loss."
Few more are "Sense of accomplishment, joy and mental alertness."
"Better sleep, increased energy and a decreased risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease."
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~John F. Kennedy
And yes, "These benefits may be less objectively and aesthetically measurable than visible weight loss, but they are even more significant. " But you can get all of them plus the objectively and esthetically measurable visible weight loss.
Did you asked HOW ?
"Twice per week, make two of your runs interval workouts. This will maximize your calorie burn during your running workouts, as well as your post-exercise calorie burn.
Warm up for 10 minutes and then alternate 15 seconds of fast running with 45 seconds of moderate running for 20 minutes. Cool down for five to 10 minutes. Intervals are intense.
To avoid injuries, don't do intervals morethan twice per week."
Quoted information from anarticle by Kathleen Trotter who has been a personal trainer and Pilates equipment specialist for 10 years.
Few more are "Sense of accomplishment, joy and mental alertness."
"Better sleep, increased energy and a decreased risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease."
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~John F. Kennedy
And yes, "These benefits may be less objectively and aesthetically measurable than visible weight loss, but they are even more significant. " But you can get all of them plus the objectively and esthetically measurable visible weight loss.
Did you asked HOW ?
"Twice per week, make two of your runs interval workouts. This will maximize your calorie burn during your running workouts, as well as your post-exercise calorie burn.
Warm up for 10 minutes and then alternate 15 seconds of fast running with 45 seconds of moderate running for 20 minutes. Cool down for five to 10 minutes. Intervals are intense.
To avoid injuries, don't do intervals morethan twice per week."
Quoted information from anarticle by Kathleen Trotter who has been a personal trainer and Pilates equipment specialist for 10 years.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Two studies ; healthy lifestyle for weight loss and heart, for weight loss and diabetes.
"The study fund that weight loss had many positive health benefits for people with type 2 diabetes."
And that
"People who are obese and have type 2 diabetes can lose weight and maintain their weight loss with a lifestyle intervention."
Dr. Rena Wing, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Universityin Providence, R.I.,
Diabetic heart risk: Weight loss no factor
A study that involved 16 U.S. centers and5,145 people -- half randomly assigned to receive an intensive lifestyle intervention and the other half assigned to a general program of diabetes support and education.
"Obesity is very bad for the heart,"
"It's probably our biggest public health problem,"
"It's not just a cosmetic issue. It has veryserious effects on heart disease as well as other metabolic disease such as hypertension, elevated cholesterol and diabetes."
"Losing weight is important to improvingyour heart health and mechanisms to lose weight such as diet and exercise can be really helpful."
Co-author Dr. Phil Schauer, director of the Bariatric & Metabolic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic
"Weight-Loss Surgery May Lead To A Healthier Heart"
Because your voice is worth being heard too;
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And that
"People who are obese and have type 2 diabetes can lose weight and maintain their weight loss with a lifestyle intervention."
Dr. Rena Wing, a professor of psychiatry and human behavior at Brown Universityin Providence, R.I.,
Diabetic heart risk: Weight loss no factor
A study that involved 16 U.S. centers and5,145 people -- half randomly assigned to receive an intensive lifestyle intervention and the other half assigned to a general program of diabetes support and education.
"Obesity is very bad for the heart,"
"It's probably our biggest public health problem,"
"It's not just a cosmetic issue. It has veryserious effects on heart disease as well as other metabolic disease such as hypertension, elevated cholesterol and diabetes."
"Losing weight is important to improvingyour heart health and mechanisms to lose weight such as diet and exercise can be really helpful."
Co-author Dr. Phil Schauer, director of the Bariatric & Metabolic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic
"Weight-Loss Surgery May Lead To A Healthier Heart"
Because your voice is worth being heard too;
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And/or share... Since it's all this site is about.
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Paths to health, to weight loss with supportive thoughts.
"Whichever way you choose to lose weight, you should always feel that it is something that you are willing to do for the rest of your life.
Many people start doing things and, if they're being honest with themselves, are unlikely to continue in that manner for longer than a few weeks. This is not the way to lose weight for good."
"Drastic changes are not designed to last.
A better approach is to make small changes in different areas of your eatingthat you hardly notice."
"Over a surprisingly short time, these small changes can add up to large weight loss."
"You change your habits by repeating behaviors over and over again. And the behaviors that you are more likely to repeat are ones that are relatively easy and fit seamlessly into your life."
Dr Khandee Ahnaimugan.
Women Over 40: Four New Ways to Approach Weight Loss
"It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually".~~A braham Maslow
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal — a commitment to excellence — that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”
–Mario Andretti
"Commitment is an action, not a word"
~ Jean Paul Sartres
Because your voice is worth being heard too;
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And/or share... Since it's all this site is about.
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Many people start doing things and, if they're being honest with themselves, are unlikely to continue in that manner for longer than a few weeks. This is not the way to lose weight for good."
"Drastic changes are not designed to last.
A better approach is to make small changes in different areas of your eatingthat you hardly notice."
"Over a surprisingly short time, these small changes can add up to large weight loss."
"You change your habits by repeating behaviors over and over again. And the behaviors that you are more likely to repeat are ones that are relatively easy and fit seamlessly into your life."
Dr Khandee Ahnaimugan.
Women Over 40: Four New Ways to Approach Weight Loss
"It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually".~~A braham Maslow
“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal — a commitment to excellence — that will enable you to attain the success you seek.”
–Mario Andretti
"Commitment is an action, not a word"
~ Jean Paul Sartres
Because your voice is worth being heard too;
Feel free to comment/read comment(s),
-Click the link above to use facebook to And the twitter's share above starting with "@Moseschri5"-
And/or share... Since it's all this site is about.
-See the sharing options below.-
Friday, October 19, 2012
Safer way to health ; A surgery or pills ? Plus weight loss tips .
Caution :
“Bariatric surgery does have a role to play in obesity management, but we should explore every other option before we resort to surgery.”
Robert Houtman, director of the Obesity Management Association, a UK-based patient advocacy group.
“In appropriately selected patients, especially those witha high cardiovascular risk, surgical weight loss could be life- saving.”
“The magnitude of effect on risk factors is impressive, and to date no pharmacological therapy for weight management or diabetes has shown a comparable effect over these short timeperiods.”
The authors of a study led by Amanda Vest of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
The survey was published yesterday in the U.K. journal Heart, which commissioned the research.
Fact :
At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese, according to the Geneva-based World Health Organization.
Source Weight-Loss Surgery Cuts Heart Risk More Than Drugs
"The more options that we have available, the better it's going to be."
Lead researcher Dr. Kishore Gadde, fromDuke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.
"Have a discussion with your doctor, not about whether there's a magic bullet you could be on for weight loss, but whether or not you're on any medications at this point that could be contributing to weight gain."
Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, from the University of Ottawa in Canada and the Bariatric Medical Institute.
Source "Epilepsy drug leads to weight loss, side effects"
Now I've shared what I these Google's best results, would you please POST/READ COMMENTS ?
Also sharing with the gadget below will be highly appreciated both by your loved ones-family plus friends- and myself.
“Bariatric surgery does have a role to play in obesity management, but we should explore every other option before we resort to surgery.”
Robert Houtman, director of the Obesity Management Association, a UK-based patient advocacy group.
“In appropriately selected patients, especially those witha high cardiovascular risk, surgical weight loss could be life- saving.”
“The magnitude of effect on risk factors is impressive, and to date no pharmacological therapy for weight management or diabetes has shown a comparable effect over these short timeperiods.”
The authors of a study led by Amanda Vest of the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
The survey was published yesterday in the U.K. journal Heart, which commissioned the research.
Fact :
At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese, according to the Geneva-based World Health Organization.
Source Weight-Loss Surgery Cuts Heart Risk More Than Drugs
"The more options that we have available, the better it's going to be."
Lead researcher Dr. Kishore Gadde, fromDuke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.
"Have a discussion with your doctor, not about whether there's a magic bullet you could be on for weight loss, but whether or not you're on any medications at this point that could be contributing to weight gain."
Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, from the University of Ottawa in Canada and the Bariatric Medical Institute.
Source "Epilepsy drug leads to weight loss, side effects"
Now I've shared what I these Google's best results, would you please POST/READ COMMENTS ?
Also sharing with the gadget below will be highly appreciated both by your loved ones-family plus friends- and myself.
Weight loss and cancer, weight loss and fertility. Talking about the links.
"Postmenopausal women who lose evena moderate amount of weight (5 percentor more) through diet and exercise can significantly lower their risk of estrogen-sensit ive breast cancers by as much as 25 percent to 50 percent,"
"researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found."
"We know stressors in our lives contribute to weight gain, so an effort torelieve unneeded worries or managing other issues can be a great start. Womencan also start by setting realistic goals, following a low-calorie diet and getting the recommended 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise most days of the week."
Dr. Patricia Limpert is a breast surgeon at the Breast Care Center at St. Luke’s Hospital.
Source: "Weight loss can decrease breast cancer risk."
According to findings reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism by Penn State College of Medicine researchers.
"Obesity in women has been linked to lack of ovulation and thus infertility."
"The effects of weight loss on reproductive function are more modest than we hypothesized. In terms of ovulation, there doesn't appear to be a window after surgery where fertility is improved,"
"Other factors may be involved with infertility in obese women, such as diminished sexual desire and thus less intercourse."
Richard Legro, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
Source: Weight loss does not improve fertility
Now I've shared what I these Google's best results, would you please POST/READ COMMENTS ?
Also sharing with the gadget below will be highly appreciated both by your loved ones-family plus friends- and myself.
"researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found."
"We know stressors in our lives contribute to weight gain, so an effort torelieve unneeded worries or managing other issues can be a great start. Womencan also start by setting realistic goals, following a low-calorie diet and getting the recommended 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise most days of the week."
Dr. Patricia Limpert is a breast surgeon at the Breast Care Center at St. Luke’s Hospital.
Source: "Weight loss can decrease breast cancer risk."
According to findings reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism by Penn State College of Medicine researchers.
"Obesity in women has been linked to lack of ovulation and thus infertility."
"The effects of weight loss on reproductive function are more modest than we hypothesized. In terms of ovulation, there doesn't appear to be a window after surgery where fertility is improved,"
"Other factors may be involved with infertility in obese women, such as diminished sexual desire and thus less intercourse."
Richard Legro, M.D., professor of obstetrics and gynecology.
Source: Weight loss does not improve fertility
Now I've shared what I these Google's best results, would you please POST/READ COMMENTS ?
Also sharing with the gadget below will be highly appreciated both by your loved ones-family plus friends- and myself.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Study: How to succeed a weight loss? And what is it about.
"There's no medicine that is a panacea for obesity."
Cautioned said the study lead author Dr. Kishore Gadde, director of the Obesity Clinical Trials Program at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C
"The question was to see if more weight loss could be achieved if we provided decent quality lifestyle intervention, mostly dietary counseling."
"And the answer was yes," Gadde said.
"But for about athird [of patients], biological issues are at play, such as not easily experiencing satiety signals from the gut to the brain."
And Lona Sandon, a registered dietitian and assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, agreed.
"The important thing to keep in mind is that although we diagnose obesity on the basis of a mathematical formula -- aBMI of 30 and up -- the basis for obesity may differ from one individual to another."
The research, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, appears online Oct. 15 in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine .
Cautioned said the study lead author Dr. Kishore Gadde, director of the Obesity Clinical Trials Program at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, N.C
"The question was to see if more weight loss could be achieved if we provided decent quality lifestyle intervention, mostly dietary counseling."
"And the answer was yes," Gadde said.
"But for about athird [of patients], biological issues are at play, such as not easily experiencing satiety signals from the gut to the brain."
And Lona Sandon, a registered dietitian and assistant professor of clinical nutrition at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, agreed.
"The important thing to keep in mind is that although we diagnose obesity on the basis of a mathematical formula -- aBMI of 30 and up -- the basis for obesity may differ from one individual to another."
The research, funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, appears online Oct. 15 in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine .
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Eat clever, get a better health, achieve weight loss. Says Badwi nutritionist
"Blindly following a printed diet is not the right way to lose weight. Losing weight the healthy way involves a bit of nutritional education and counseling, changing lifestyle habits and cooking methods, and following a food plan"
“I have seen countless twenty-five-yea r-old patients who came to my office and were successful at losing weight, but their skin looks dry, scaly, and pale, and they suffer from hair loss,fatigue, depression, sagging skin, constipation, and in some cases iron-deficiency , anemia and osteoporosis. All of these health problems are side-effects of an unhealthy and excessively rigid weight loss diet, and these problems could havebeen avoided if following the correct food plan,”
Nutritionist Rabab Badwi
“I have seen countless twenty-five-yea r-old patients who came to my office and were successful at losing weight, but their skin looks dry, scaly, and pale, and they suffer from hair loss,fatigue, depression, sagging skin, constipation, and in some cases iron-deficiency , anemia and osteoporosis. All of these health problems are side-effects of an unhealthy and excessively rigid weight loss diet, and these problems could havebeen avoided if following the correct food plan,”
Nutritionist Rabab Badwi
A success story ; the power of fitness for health, for weight loss etc
Name: Kay Alexander
Age: 58
Height: 5'3"
Before Weight: 273 pounds
I started eating more and moving less. The pounds piled on and thesedentary lifestyle started to take a toll on my health as well.
By 2010, my weight was double the normal weight for a woman my height.
How I Lost It: In April 2010, with the support of my husband and family, I began exercising and modifying my diet. I started exercising very gradually. I was nervous because of the heart attack and also my bad knees. I started with 15 minutes on the treadmill at a slow walk. By the time I left cardiac rehab, I was working out for 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the NuStep, 10 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes of weights. The first time I tried the elliptical was the longest five minutes ofmy life.
After I had lost about 50 pounds, I started wearing a pedometer and tracking my steps. I averaged about 5,000 to 6,000 steps a day at first. Now I average about 16,000 steps a day. I go tothe gym five to six times a week. I do cardio every time I go, and about 30 minutes of weights three times a week. Mike and I go togther on Sunday mornings.
Age: 58
Height: 5'3"
Before Weight: 273 pounds
I started eating more and moving less. The pounds piled on and thesedentary lifestyle started to take a toll on my health as well.
By 2010, my weight was double the normal weight for a woman my height.
How I Lost It: In April 2010, with the support of my husband and family, I began exercising and modifying my diet. I started exercising very gradually. I was nervous because of the heart attack and also my bad knees. I started with 15 minutes on the treadmill at a slow walk. By the time I left cardiac rehab, I was working out for 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the NuStep, 10 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes of weights. The first time I tried the elliptical was the longest five minutes ofmy life.
After I had lost about 50 pounds, I started wearing a pedometer and tracking my steps. I averaged about 5,000 to 6,000 steps a day at first. Now I average about 16,000 steps a day. I go tothe gym five to six times a week. I do cardio every time I go, and about 30 minutes of weights three times a week. Mike and I go togther on Sunday mornings.
Study: shorter but more intense fitness, a solution for timeless individuals.
Only 2.5 minutes of HIIT/SIT,High Intensity Interval Training/Sprint Interval Training, burn as many as 200 calories according to a new research
"It would take at least 30 to 40 minutes of walking at 3 to 4 mph to burn the same number of calories."
Denise Reynolds is a Registered Dietitian, licensed in both North and South Carolina. She counsels patients frequently on diets to improve symptoms of chronic diseases, such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity.
"Research shows that many people startan exercise program but just can't keep it up. The biggest factor people quote is that they don't have the time to fit in exercise. We hope if exercise can befit into a smaller period of time, then they may give exercise a go and stick with it."
Researcher Kyle Sevits, who helped conduct a study with a team from the University of Colorado Anschultz MedicalCampus and Colorado State University.
Also good to know :
The US governments recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of aggressive exercise each week.
And if you think it's difficult, just remember the famous quote from one of this world's best that says “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.”
~ William E. Channing ~
"Everything is out there waiting for you. All you have to do is walk up and declareyourself in. No need for permission. You just need courage to say, "Include me". Providing you have the energy to pull it off you can do what you like. And the Universal Law, being impartial, will be only too delighted to deliver."
- Stuart Wilde, is a British writer best known for his works on metaphysics and consciousness.
"It would take at least 30 to 40 minutes of walking at 3 to 4 mph to burn the same number of calories."
Denise Reynolds is a Registered Dietitian, licensed in both North and South Carolina. She counsels patients frequently on diets to improve symptoms of chronic diseases, such as Heart Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity.
"Research shows that many people startan exercise program but just can't keep it up. The biggest factor people quote is that they don't have the time to fit in exercise. We hope if exercise can befit into a smaller period of time, then they may give exercise a go and stick with it."
Researcher Kyle Sevits, who helped conduct a study with a team from the University of Colorado Anschultz MedicalCampus and Colorado State University.
Also good to know :
The US governments recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of aggressive exercise each week.
And if you think it's difficult, just remember the famous quote from one of this world's best that says “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.”
~ William E. Channing ~
"Everything is out there waiting for you. All you have to do is walk up and declareyourself in. No need for permission. You just need courage to say, "Include me". Providing you have the energy to pull it off you can do what you like. And the Universal Law, being impartial, will be only too delighted to deliver."
- Stuart Wilde, is a British writer best known for his works on metaphysics and consciousness.
Sugar metabolism and health, weight loss etc plus a success story.
"Your sugar metabolism may be a major factor in your health. It might be the reason you cannot lose weight in addition to setting yourself up for even more health problems in the future. If you don’t know how you are doing you should get the proper lab testing done and see if this is impacting your health.
The good news is that this viscous cycle can be changed. Even better news is thatblood sugar metabolism can be managed with diet, exercise, and balancing the metabolic imbalances thathave led to your breakdown in sugarmetabolism."
DrPeter Lind practices metabolic and neurologic chiropractic in his wellness clinic in Salem, Oregon. USA.
His clinical specialty is in physical, nutritional, and emotional stress.
He is the author of 3 books on health, one novel, and hundreds of wellness articles.
"I know so many of my friends are working on losing weight. It's a big deal to get healthy. It's hard, but it's possible," said Jean Taylor.
Taylor has lost 108 pounds. She still has about 80 pounds she would like to lose, but she said losing the 108 pounds has been a confidence booster.
At 5'11", Jean Taylor was used to being bigger than most of the people around her.
it became clear to her that her weight was posing some problems when she started classes at the University of Missouri in 2009,
she reached 375 pounds.
*. She tries to avoid pork and beef
*. eats more healthful foods.
*. shakes [but Why Not homemade Smoothies] were a convenient way to stay fueled
*. more movement in her everyday life.
The good news is that this viscous cycle can be changed. Even better news is thatblood sugar metabolism can be managed with diet, exercise, and balancing the metabolic imbalances thathave led to your breakdown in sugarmetabolism."
DrPeter Lind practices metabolic and neurologic chiropractic in his wellness clinic in Salem, Oregon. USA.
His clinical specialty is in physical, nutritional, and emotional stress.
He is the author of 3 books on health, one novel, and hundreds of wellness articles.
"I know so many of my friends are working on losing weight. It's a big deal to get healthy. It's hard, but it's possible," said Jean Taylor.
Taylor has lost 108 pounds. She still has about 80 pounds she would like to lose, but she said losing the 108 pounds has been a confidence booster.
At 5'11", Jean Taylor was used to being bigger than most of the people around her.
it became clear to her that her weight was posing some problems when she started classes at the University of Missouri in 2009,
she reached 375 pounds.
*. She tries to avoid pork and beef
*. eats more healthful foods.
*. shakes [but Why Not homemade Smoothies] were a convenient way to stay fueled
*. more movement in her everyday life.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Carbs and health, carbs and weight loss ; From studies and experts.
I've found a single article with 3 experts' participation... Here I share my mashup :
"Carbohydrates provide us with energy that our body needs; they also maintain stable blood sugar levels. A lot of carbohydrate foods are also high in fibre and other nutrients as well.’’Sports dietitian, Katherine Shone.
Notice that good carb options she lists include fruits.
"We should avoid severely restricting ... and focus on the quality of the nutrient." said David Ludwig of the Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital ;
because a diet of healthy carbohydrates, rather than low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets, offered a better chance of keeping weight off without nasty side effects, found one of the latest studies by Ludwig.
Dr Mehmet Oz, a popular TV personality and doctor, writes: ‘‘Avoid the lure of low-fat foods, which contain a sizable amount of calories [and] avoid the lure of low-carb foods, which sometimes have more calories from from sugar. [Instead] try to have 40 per cent of your total caloric intake come from complex carbohydrates ... Choose ... legumes, fruits and vegetables.’’
"Bottom line: carbohydrates do not make you fat. The amount you eat does." Says Kathleen Alleaume, nutritionist andauthor of What’s Eating You?
But only the amount ? the quality too I'd add.
Source http://tinyurl.com/968ldry
"Carbohydrates provide us with energy that our body needs; they also maintain stable blood sugar levels. A lot of carbohydrate foods are also high in fibre and other nutrients as well.’’Sports dietitian, Katherine Shone.
Notice that good carb options she lists include fruits.
"We should avoid severely restricting ... and focus on the quality of the nutrient." said David Ludwig of the Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital ;
because a diet of healthy carbohydrates, rather than low-fat or low-carbohydrate diets, offered a better chance of keeping weight off without nasty side effects, found one of the latest studies by Ludwig.
Dr Mehmet Oz, a popular TV personality and doctor, writes: ‘‘Avoid the lure of low-fat foods, which contain a sizable amount of calories [and] avoid the lure of low-carb foods, which sometimes have more calories from from sugar. [Instead] try to have 40 per cent of your total caloric intake come from complex carbohydrates ... Choose ... legumes, fruits and vegetables.’’
"Bottom line: carbohydrates do not make you fat. The amount you eat does." Says Kathleen Alleaume, nutritionist andauthor of What’s Eating You?
But only the amount ? the quality too I'd add.
Source http://tinyurl.com/968ldry
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The group setting and it's mental boost to get healthier, lose weight.
"Weight loss maintenance is a big challenge and clearly has an impact on health parameters," said Angela Pinto, assistant professor of psychology at Baruch College of the City University of New York and lead researcher.
"We know that clinically important weight loss, between 5 to 10 percent, can positively affect health."
It's why once again a new post is in front of you to help achieve a quick and healthy weight loss.
"When people who are working on a similar problem get together, they can support each other so they don't feel alone [during] weight loss journeys."
"With the group idea, there's a sense of belonging" which is a commitment boosting, this is happening everyday.
because "After a certain point, the 'education process' of weight loss becomes almost secondary to the staying motivated." Keith Ayoob, director of nutrition clinic Rose F. Kennedy Center atthe Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
"That's important for people to think about when they want to know what canfacilitate sustained weight loss,"pinto added
And a nutrition advice by ME :
Are you focusing on your fiber intake?
Fiber helps absorb toxic trash and get it out of your body. In general, healthy people should consume 25 grams of fiber per day (or more). Overweight people should get 35 – 45 grams of fiber per day.
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Lifestyles changes for better health, better weight etc from a nutritionist.
"Daily physical activity and following healthy eating habits with plentiful fruits and vegetables and minimal empty calories and fried foods"1 may prevent breast and prostate cancer and improve survivorship in those diagnosed with cancer.
Even if while it can be challenging to lose weight, or get into a healthier lifestyle, "Small changes can add up and make a big difference." says Dr. Marian Neuhouser, Ph.D, RD is a nutritional epidemiologist with a background in nutritional sciences. She isan investigator at Seattle’s Fred HutchinsonCance r Research Center . Herresearch is focused on lifestyle factors such as nutrition and physical activity.
When it comes to food, Dr. Neuhouser says, "Start with making one new food change each week. Instead of eating twocookies, eat just one.”
When it comes to getting active, Dr. Neuhouser says, "If someone is not used to physical activity, try a five- to 10-minute walk and gradually increase the time. Having physical activity partners or walking partners always helps. I know my soccer team will be waiting for me on the field, so even if I am tired or busy, I still show up."
and a last one ;Is sleep related to weight loss?
Celebrity fitness trainer and lifestyle expert Terri Walsh insisted on the importance of getting sufficient sleep. It turns out that if you're sleep-deprived, you're more likely to crave carbohydrates.
A comment ? Use facebook.com to post/read.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Fitness & healthy eating, firstly about health; weight loss, skin cleanse, etc come after.
"The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produceoutstanding results."
— Tony Robbins
It's why whether a weight loss is involved or it isn't everyone should do something to get in better health through proper diet, or should I say proper nutrition, plus fitness. And this keeping in mind that
"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."~John Maxwell
Just in the case a weight loss is involved, I've picked a bunch of quotes to share below :
"Losing weight is always hard, butespecially when dealing with the stresses." Says Dr. Andrew Moore, a reproductive and infertility specialist at the Parkway Health Center in Orem.
"I think Weight loss is more than an individual effort. If they don't have the support it is very hard to be successful both short-term and long-term." added Dr. R. Richard Rasmussen, medical director at Utah Weight Loss. Because "It is not just about the weight loss but also abouthealth and weight management and learning the tools to help them maintain their weight loss."
"Being overweight or obese not only impacts male and female infertility but also increases pregnancy complications," Moore added ton."Obesity in the mother increases miscarriages, pre-term labor, stillbirths, low birth weight babies as well as large babies, and neonatal outcomes are adversely affected."
Source :herald extra
— Tony Robbins
It's why whether a weight loss is involved or it isn't everyone should do something to get in better health through proper diet, or should I say proper nutrition, plus fitness. And this keeping in mind that
"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow."~John Maxwell
Just in the case a weight loss is involved, I've picked a bunch of quotes to share below :
"Losing weight is always hard, butespecially when dealing with the stresses." Says Dr. Andrew Moore, a reproductive and infertility specialist at the Parkway Health Center in Orem.
"I think Weight loss is more than an individual effort. If they don't have the support it is very hard to be successful both short-term and long-term." added Dr. R. Richard Rasmussen, medical director at Utah Weight Loss. Because "It is not just about the weight loss but also abouthealth and weight management and learning the tools to help them maintain their weight loss."
"Being overweight or obese not only impacts male and female infertility but also increases pregnancy complications," Moore added ton."Obesity in the mother increases miscarriages, pre-term labor, stillbirths, low birth weight babies as well as large babies, and neonatal outcomes are adversely affected."
Source :herald extra
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Boost fat burn naturally as you move or fitness
What could be your reaction ?
If I tell you that with your body and simple but intelligent fitness behaviors you can produce a molecule which may help :
#. Regulate metabolism
#. Speed up fat burn
#. Reduce hunger
The text below will firstly be molecule targeted then"fitness to get it" oriented.
The molecule.
Interleukin-6 is a chemical messenger in everyone's immune system that plays an important role in fighting off infections.
"Our previous findings would indicate that interleukin-6 can play a key role in regulating the metabolism of healthy individuals." says Erik Schéle, doctoral student who is presenting the results in his thesis.
But the chemical isn't good at only this,
"Interleukin-6 increases levels of substances in the brain that trigger weight loss, which could explain why high levels of this molecule lead to weight loss."
"This is both surprising and new. It could in the long run lead to people fighting obesity by changing what they eat in linewith how it affects the brain." says Erik Schéle.
Fitness to get an increase.
studies show that focusing on the lowering or ‘eccentric’ motion when you lift weights may help to increase levels of the chemical; the downward phase of weight lifting exercises because it amplifies the tension, which triggers the release of interleukin-6 to reduce inflammation.
It was another experts's
If I tell you that with your body and simple but intelligent fitness behaviors you can produce a molecule which may help :
#. Regulate metabolism
#. Speed up fat burn
#. Reduce hunger
The text below will firstly be molecule targeted then"fitness to get it" oriented.
The molecule.
Interleukin-6 is a chemical messenger in everyone's immune system that plays an important role in fighting off infections.
"Our previous findings would indicate that interleukin-6 can play a key role in regulating the metabolism of healthy individuals." says Erik Schéle, doctoral student who is presenting the results in his thesis.
But the chemical isn't good at only this,
"Interleukin-6 increases levels of substances in the brain that trigger weight loss, which could explain why high levels of this molecule lead to weight loss."
"This is both surprising and new. It could in the long run lead to people fighting obesity by changing what they eat in linewith how it affects the brain." says Erik Schéle.
Fitness to get an increase.
studies show that focusing on the lowering or ‘eccentric’ motion when you lift weights may help to increase levels of the chemical; the downward phase of weight lifting exercises because it amplifies the tension, which triggers the release of interleukin-6 to reduce inflammation.
It was another experts's
Friday, October 5, 2012
3 experts, one article ; Healthy eating and fitness.
Jeffrey Levi, the executive director of Trust for America'sHealth :
"By the year 2030, at least 44 percent of adults in every state of the country could be obese."
"The potential rise in health-related problems associated with obesity and the rise in health care costs could be staggering."
As seen on benzinga
It's why brilliant researches are being conducted to stop or just slow down this increase's speed, allowing weight loss es and weight gain prevention.
One of them ;
A study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, the new research by Terry Davidson, director of American University's Center for Behavioral Neuroscience. Bringing information that may motivate saying "Our results suggest that whatever allows them to eat less and keep the pounds off also helps to keep their brains cognitively healthy." Davidson
Now Susan Albers, PsyD., a clinical psychologist and author of Eating Mindfully , to hear her advice on how to achieve healthy life goals by fast weight loss through permanent changes in eating habits.
Firstly the one that may be took like the subtitle : “It’s more about how you eat than what you eat.”
“Seventy-five percent of overeating is caused by emotions, yet most of our dietsfocus on food, which is why they fail,” she said. “They don’t teach what todo for cravings or slip ups.”
And finaly ; “One of my favorite stress-busting foods is pistachios – they’re low in calories, the lowest in fat among the nuts, and they also help to regulate blood sugar. You have to open them slowly,and you have a pile of shells afterwards to remind you of how much you’ve eaten.”
"By the year 2030, at least 44 percent of adults in every state of the country could be obese."
"The potential rise in health-related problems associated with obesity and the rise in health care costs could be staggering."
As seen on benzinga
It's why brilliant researches are being conducted to stop or just slow down this increase's speed, allowing weight loss es and weight gain prevention.
One of them ;
A study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior, the new research by Terry Davidson, director of American University's Center for Behavioral Neuroscience. Bringing information that may motivate saying "Our results suggest that whatever allows them to eat less and keep the pounds off also helps to keep their brains cognitively healthy." Davidson
Now Susan Albers, PsyD., a clinical psychologist and author of Eating Mindfully , to hear her advice on how to achieve healthy life goals by fast weight loss through permanent changes in eating habits.
Firstly the one that may be took like the subtitle : “It’s more about how you eat than what you eat.”
“Seventy-five percent of overeating is caused by emotions, yet most of our dietsfocus on food, which is why they fail,” she said. “They don’t teach what todo for cravings or slip ups.”
And finaly ; “One of my favorite stress-busting foods is pistachios – they’re low in calories, the lowest in fat among the nuts, and they also help to regulate blood sugar. You have to open them slowly,and you have a pile of shells afterwards to remind you of how much you’ve eaten.”
1 Quoted by fitness, healthy dieting and mental expertise.
Sources :
1. Research about Effect of improved fitness beyond weight loss on cardiovascular risk factors.
By Gibbs BB , Brancati FL , Chen H , CodayM , Jakicic JM , Lewis CE , Stewart KJ , Clark JM.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA; University of Pittsburgh,Pitt sburgh, USA.
Published on the National Institutes of Health's and US National Library of Medicine's
site .
2. Steven Blair, the director of research at the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research in Dallas, for pressherald.
3. Vanessa Carter, a dietitian and diabetes educatorat Primary Care Partners, shared convictions .
“Until the patient’s truly ready to make changes, I don’t think it’s going to work."3
"It has become abundantly clear to me that in terms of health and longevity, your fitness level is far more important than your weight."2
"Conclusion: Increased fitness explained statistically significant [...] improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors beyond weight loss."1
Also check the next, the better :)
1. Research about Effect of improved fitness beyond weight loss on cardiovascular risk factors.
By Gibbs BB , Brancati FL , Chen H , CodayM , Jakicic JM , Lewis CE , Stewart KJ , Clark JM.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA; University of Pittsburgh,Pitt sburgh, USA.
Published on the National Institutes of Health's and US National Library of Medicine's
site .
2. Steven Blair, the director of research at the Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research in Dallas, for pressherald.
3. Vanessa Carter, a dietitian and diabetes educatorat Primary Care Partners, shared convictions .
“Until the patient’s truly ready to make changes, I don’t think it’s going to work."3
"It has become abundantly clear to me that in terms of health and longevity, your fitness level is far more important than your weight."2
"Conclusion: Increased fitness explained statistically significant [...] improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors beyond weight loss."1
Also check the next, the better :)
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Fitness do more beyond weight loss
A study on Effect of improved fitness beyond weight loss on cardiovascular risk factors.
By Gibbs BB , Brancati FL , Chen H , Coday M , Jakicic JM , Lewis CE , Stewart KJ , Clark JM.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA; University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, USA.
Published on the site of the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
Here's just the "Conclusion:
Increased fitness explained statistically significant but small improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors beyond weight loss."
That isn't it, let's add one of tips from a doctor
"People who continue to eat garbage, they're obviously going to fail. ... They can't continue with their bad habits," Dr. Gary Neale, M.D., a general/bariatric surgeon at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital.
By Gibbs BB , Brancati FL , Chen H , Coday M , Jakicic JM , Lewis CE , Stewart KJ , Clark JM.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA; University of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, USA.
Published on the site of the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
Here's just the "Conclusion:
Increased fitness explained statistically significant but small improvements in several cardiovascular risk factors beyond weight loss."
That isn't it, let's add one of tips from a doctor
"People who continue to eat garbage, they're obviously going to fail. ... They can't continue with their bad habits," Dr. Gary Neale, M.D., a general/bariatric surgeon at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Not excessive high intensity for shorter time periods and an active day ; the new fitness guideline, study says.
Experts are commenting an information brought by the American college of sports medicine ; Below are the information and comments from two experts : Dr. Carl Foster and Amy Dixon
The ACSM, American college of sports medicine, recommends that most adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of ... exercise each week.
Multiple shorter sessions of at least 10 minutes are acceptable and even people unable to meet the minimums still benefit from some activity, always according to the previously mentioned ACSM.
Dr. Carl Foster, a professor in the exercise and sports science department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
"Yes it can be done. You can do the work in 10 minutes but then it takes you 40 minutes to recover."
And for motivation, "The people who are ... active on a routine basis are the people who don't get heart attacks." He added.
"If I had 10 minutes I would do fairly intense strength training, total body workouts with dumbbells or kettle bells interspersed with cardio intervals like jumping jacks," said Amy Dixon, who is Group Fitness Manager at an Equinox fitness center in Santa Monica, California. And creator of the "Give Me 10" DVD series of 10-minute workouts.
And will remember "If you're reading a magazine," she said,"you're not working out."
What's your position now ? Do the right thing, the right way :)
The ACSM, American college of sports medicine, recommends that most adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of ... exercise each week.
Multiple shorter sessions of at least 10 minutes are acceptable and even people unable to meet the minimums still benefit from some activity, always according to the previously mentioned ACSM.
Dr. Carl Foster, a professor in the exercise and sports science department at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
"Yes it can be done. You can do the work in 10 minutes but then it takes you 40 minutes to recover."
And for motivation, "The people who are ... active on a routine basis are the people who don't get heart attacks." He added.
"If I had 10 minutes I would do fairly intense strength training, total body workouts with dumbbells or kettle bells interspersed with cardio intervals like jumping jacks," said Amy Dixon, who is Group Fitness Manager at an Equinox fitness center in Santa Monica, California. And creator of the "Give Me 10" DVD series of 10-minute workouts.
And will remember "If you're reading a magazine," she said,"you're not working out."
What's your position now ? Do the right thing, the right way :)
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