"Daily physical activity and following healthy eating habits with plentiful fruits and vegetables and minimal empty calories and fried foods"1 may prevent breast and prostate cancer and improve survivorship in those diagnosed with cancer.
Even if while it can be challenging to lose weight, or get into a healthier lifestyle, "Small changes can add up and make a big difference." says Dr. Marian Neuhouser, Ph.D, RD is a nutritional epidemiologist with a background in nutritional sciences. She isan investigator at Seattle’s Fred HutchinsonCance r Research Center . Herresearch is focused on lifestyle factors such as nutrition and physical activity.
When it comes to food, Dr. Neuhouser says, "Start with making one new food change each week. Instead of eating twocookies, eat just one.”
When it comes to getting active, Dr. Neuhouser says, "If someone is not used to physical activity, try a five- to 10-minute walk and gradually increase the time. Having physical activity partners or walking partners always helps. I know my soccer team will be waiting for me on the field, so even if I am tired or busy, I still show up."
and a last one ;Is sleep related to weight loss?
Celebrity fitness trainer and lifestyle expert Terri Walsh insisted on the importance of getting sufficient sleep. It turns out that if you're sleep-deprived, you're more likely to crave carbohydrates.
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