After I read "11 Strength training tips" It's time to share what I've learnt :)
1. Learn Proper Form. It’s much easier to learn proper form initially than to develop poor habits and try to break them later...
2. Stick to the Basics. Just getting into strength training or getting serious about it? you will be better off sticking with a few exercises for the first few months. Think about it this way–what would be easier and quicker for you to memorize :7 different riddles or 20?...
3. Use Acceptable Alternatives. Mobility issues don’t allow you to safely and properly perform certain exercises, or lack of equipments ? Either way, you should use appropriate exercise substitutions...
4. Focus on Getting Stronger. The necessary strength to make some popular boot-camp or circuit type workouts...
5. Know that You will NOT get “Big ‘n Bulky”. -Women. Strength training will allow you to build muscle, increase your metabolism, burn body fat, and ultimately help you achieve the healthy lean and“toned” appearance you desire...
6. Be consistent and Don’t Give Up. Celebrate the smaller steps you achieve along the way. Don’t expect to start strength training today and witness results overnight. However, most women who just start strength training notice some changes the first week...
7. Set Motivating goals. You will be more motivated to train consistently, have more fun,enjoy training, increase confidence within a short periodof time...
8. Don’t be intimidated.
9. Follow a beginner training program. If you’re a beginner, you need to train like a beginner – this is the simplest and quickest way to get results...
10. Be excited! Strength coaches and experienced strength training individuals usually says : "The beginner stages period is the time to make the best and fastest progress..."
11) Start Today Don’t say, “I’ll start tomorrow” or “the new year” What does your first step need to be? Go for it and right now :) Good luck